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Jordanna Eve Dworkin

Jordanna Eve Dworkin

Jordanna Eve is a New York and California State licensed acupuncturist, nationally certified Chinese herbal therapist, certified Forrest Yoga instructor and certified Authentic Pilates instructor specializing in pain management, injury recovery + prevention, and emotional balancing. After receiving a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and Dramatic Art-Dance from the University of California at Berkeley, she completed a Master of Science in Traditional Oriental Medicine at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. In addition to operating a dual private acupuncture and pilates + yoga + barre practice, Jordanna has instructed both individual and group classes in large-scale gyms, privately owned studios, homes, and offices throughout the New York area since 2002 and most recently, in San Francisco. She is the co-creator of Barre Burn, an ultra fresh and fierce Equinox group fitness class with international acclaim. Nationally, Jordanna has led numerous Master Classes and Teacher Trainings in this dynamic, powerful method. With a whole-hearted penchant for travel, Jordanna LOVES leading seasonal wellness retreats from the local to the exotic, brightening spirits along the way. LEARN MORE: