The words "and breathe" in pink neon on a background of plants.

What is Pranayama, and How Can You Use It In Your Daily Practice?

Pranayama: you might have heard this word before – one of many Sanskrit words that sounds cool, but maybe also kind of sounds like all the other Sanskrit words your teacher says in class. If you haven’t studied Sanskrit in-depth (okay but whom among us has?!) and you’re still trying to figure out what pranayama […]

breathing practices, daily routine, prana, pranayama, tutorials, ujjayi breathing

A woman in a trench coat stands on a bed of fall leaves.

How to Support Yourself During Times of Change & Transition

For all of time, the season of autumn has been one of change and transition. Summer heat gives way to the cool fall breeze, and the leaves transform from vibrant green to shades more reminiscent of pumpkin and cinnamon. While nature always seems to embrace these changes, change in any of its forms can be […]

affirmations, daily routine, journaling, meditation, mindfulness

A person rests their head against a tree.

Incorporating Self Care & Mindfulness Into Your Yoga Practice

In uncertain and often challenging times, practicing self care can be an integral part of keeping our mental states afloat. Without taking the time to rest and decompress, it can be easy for anxiety and negativity to grab hold of us. Daily life and everyday tasks are harder to get through. We succumb to burnout […]

asana, meditation, mindfulness, self-care, yoga practice

Invoke Saraswati illustration

How to Invoke Saraswati in Your Yoga Practice

Goddess of music, art, speech, and knowledge, inventor of Sanskrit, eponym of an ancient river, and wife to not one but two famous god-husbands—this is Saraswati, from whom creativity flows like water.  This powerful goddess is mentioned throughout ancient texts and is celebrated today in festivals like the Saraswati Puja (first day of spring) and […]

Hinduism, Saraswati, Yoga poses