5 Ways to Raise Your Vibration

You’ve seen our tagline, but what does “raise your vibration” mean, exactly?

We are all connected by the energy of the universe that is in constant motion. This energy creates an atmosphere around a person, place, thought, or object. Have you ever stepped into a room and immediately felt like the “vibe,” or energy of the room was off?

If so, you are tapping into your intuition and reading the vibrations of energy around you. Some energy brings you down and gives you a heavy feeling in your gut and can even trigger stress. But, some energy raises your vibration and helps make you a happier, calmer person. 

Chopra.com said it best: “When you are vibrating at a higher level, you feel lighter, happier, and more at ease, whereas lower vibrations feel heavy, dark, and confused.”

Studies have shown that vibrations can even be used to heal the body and can have anti-aging, regenerative effects

How, then, do you raise your vibration? Check out our favorite ways below.


Meditation, in particular, has been found to stimulate the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is responsible for many of the body’s functions, such as digestion, breathing, heart rate, and reflexes such as coughing or sneezing. Meditation can help strengthen the vagus nerve, or improve its vagal tone. This in turn raises your vibration by lowering depression, stress, and anxiety levels. Try this meditation titled Tone the Vagus Nerve by Alex Moody to raise your vibes.


Yoga can be thought of as a moving meditation. You are connecting your mind, body, and breath,  which raises your vibe and helps you become more in-tune with your own intuition. Researchers have found that “[y]oga poses emphasize opening and lifting of the chest and stimulate the vagal nerve. They are not associated with competition or dominance…they are likely to increase physical energy and subjective sense of energy and empowerment.” Check out this Nervous System Reset practice by Grace Millsap to strengthen your connection to self. 


It may sound strange, but gratitude is a practice. You can, in fact, get better at being grateful. The practice of gratitude has documented health benefits, such as lower blood pressure, improved immune function, better sleep, reduced lifetime risk for depression, anxiety, and substance abuse disorders, and is a resiliency factor in the prevention of suicide. Robert A. Emmons, professor of psychology at UC Davis said that “[g]ratitude blocks toxic emotions, such as envy, resentment, regret and depression, which can destroy our happiness.” Working your gratitude muscle is a great way to raise your vibration.


Think about the music you listen to. Do you feel uplifted? Are the lyrics violent? Is the music soothing? What’s the mood of the music you’re listening to? A 2012 study stated that we listen to music that is “mood-congruent.” If you’re listening to sad music and feeling down, try being deliberate with your music choices to consume the songs that will raise your vibe.


If you haven’t developed a houseplant obsession yet, it’s time. Plants are a beautiful way to raise your vibration. Not only do they add a nice pop of nature into your decor, they also purify the very air you breathe. When plants go through photosynthesis, they convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. If your green thumb hasn’t surfaced yet, try a pothos or snake plant. Both can thrive in unfavorable conditions and don’t need frequent watering. 

Ready to Raise your Vibration?

The best part about our list is that you can use these tips all at once! Fill a room with plants, your favorite music, and find gratitude in your yoga and meditation practice. Check out our yoga and meditation on-demand content. You choose when you practice. With classes ranging from 5-75 minutes, there’s something that will fit your schedule and needs.