Work Life Balance

If you find it hard to maintain a work life balance, you aren’t alone. Technology has made it possible to be accessible at any hour of the day. It’s especially difficult to disconnect when you work from home. If you add in additional stress from the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s hard to disconnect from work to enjoy the things that you love.

A recent World Economic Forum-Ipsos study surveyed over 12,000 adults about work-related challenges as a result of the pandemic.

Half of the participants have experienced difficulty in finding work-life balance. This is happening across age groups and across the globe. But how do you improve your work-life balance? We have some tips to share with you!

  1. Set boundaries. What aspects of your life are you unwilling to sacrifice? This could be family dinners, exercise, or time to engage in a hobby.
  2. Create a schedule. Then, stick to it consistently. Life happens, of course, but do your best to maintain your routine.
  3. Treat your body with kindness. Get enough rest, eat nutritious food, exercise, and avoid alcohol and smoking. A healthy body and a healthy mind go hand-in-hand.
  4. Take breaks. Consider going for a quick walk or taking a 15-20 minute yoga class. We love the Yoga On-the-Go section of YogaVibes for short, but powerful, yoga and meditation practices.

What tips do you use to help maintain your work-life balance? We’d love to hear your ideas in the comments!