Free Restorative Yoga for All

At YogaVibes, we believe that yoga is for everyone – all ages, genders, ethnicities, sexual orientations, experiences, body types, and physical conditions.

We are excited to announce a new restorative class on our schedule on Fridays at 9am est. This class is open, accessible, and free to ALL, even if you’ve never practiced yoga before! We do accept optional donations – all proceeds will be donated to a selected non-profit each month.

This month, YogaVibes has partnered with Yoga Bridge, a 501(c)(3) non-profit that provides evidence-based coping strategies to complement medical treatment for cancer and recovery. Visit for more info about this organization.

What do I need for class?
-A sturdy stack of pillows or a yoga bolster
-Something to lay on (the floor, a towel/blanket, yoga mat, or even your bed!)
-Optional: Yoga blocks or a stack of books

Spend 45 minutes of well-deserved time releasing tension and anxiety in this restorative class. You can expect 35 minutes of slow, gentle movement, including restorative yoga poses, that will be held from 2-5 minutes. These long holds allow your muscles and mind to relax deeply, and they allow the deep tissue time to stretch and let go.

After gentle movement, the final 10 minutes of class are dedicated to grounding and meditation. This time will be spent exploring your inner emotions, developing your awareness, and truly taking time to go inward. Restorative classes are very mellow, making them a good complement to more active practices and an excellent antidote to stress. Meditation and breathwork are offered.

Sign-up here!