Tag: pranayama

The words "and breathe" in pink neon on a background of plants.

What is Pranayama, and How Can You Use It In Your Daily Practice?

Pranayama: you might have heard this word before – one of many Sanskrit words that sounds cool, but maybe also kind of sounds like all the other Sanskrit words your teacher says in class. If you haven’t studied Sanskrit in-depth (okay but whom among us has?!) and you’re still trying to figure out what pranayama […]

breathing practices, daily routine, prana, pranayama, tutorials, ujjayi breathing

A blonde person sits on the beach in seated meditation.

How To Use Yoga for Stress Relief

If 2020 could be characterized by one word, it’d be stressful. It seems like everyday there’s something new to worry about, something new to cloud our thoughts with tension and unease. While we can’t control the world around us, we can learn to adapt how our body responds to stressful situations, and yoga can be […]

meditation, mindfulness, pranayama, stress

breathing exercises raise vibration

Top 4 Breathing Practices to Raise Your Vibration

Physical postures (asana) are only one aspect of a complete yoga practice. Doing nothing but asana is like ordering a chocolate chip cookie without the chocolate chips: it’s still kinda good, but not nearly as good as it should be. Raising your vibration and getting the most out of your time on the mat means […]

breathing practices, meditation, pranayama, raise your vibration