Tag: meditation

breathing exercises raise vibration

Top 4 Breathing Practices to Raise Your Vibration

Physical postures (asana) are only one aspect of a complete yoga practice. Doing nothing but asana is like ordering a chocolate chip cookie without the chocolate chips: it’s still kinda good, but not nearly as good as it should be. Raising your vibration and getting the most out of your time on the mat means […]

breathing practices, meditation, pranayama, raise your vibration

Yoga classes for auto-immune conditions, inflammation, and pain

Relaxation and gentle movement are widely touted as help for healing, and ways to ease pain. In my experience they offer something even deeper. With regular practice these techniques  can work deeper and settle stress in the mind.  That decrease in stress response helps avoid both physical and mental downward spiral. Use these practices from […]

meditation, restorative yoga, therapeutic yoga, yoga nidra

Grow a (Yoga) Spine!

Is your spinal health something you give much thought? Most often, spinal health takes a back seat. We mind our spines only in the aftermath of something gone wrong. Let’s not, however, allow it to reach that point. Let’s, instead, take our spines to yoga. Yoga is a blessing to the spine. Supporting strength, flexibility, mobility, […]


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