Author: Stephanie Momot

Prepare for your meditation practice by opening your hips in padmasana, or lotus pose.

Six Poses to Prepare for Meditation

As we move towards the winter solstice (December 21), the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, our practice also moves inwards. The days for spending lots of time on sunny and open poses like dancer (natarajasana) and wheel (urdhva dhanurasana) awaits warmer weather and longer evenings. Instead, a December practice is more […]
Someone writes thank you on brown paper in calligraphy.

How to Incorporate Gratitude into Your Daily Routine

Gratitude is a powerful tool; it can turn bad days into not-quite-as-bad days and bring us into the present moment as a component of mindfulness. Incorporating gratitude into your daily routine isn’t hard, but it does take some consistent effort to rewire our mental habits. Gratitude is an essential piece of living mindfully. When we […]

daily routine, gratitude, journaling, meditation, mindfulness, morning routine, thankful

Sara Cain-da Costa sits in a seated meditation with her hands pressed to her forehead.

Confessions of a Recovering Studio Owner, Part II: The Pivot to Collaboration

Welcome back to part two of Confessions of a Recovering Studio Owner. In part one, Sara discussed how to make an informed decision about whether or not to close her studio and shared some tips for owners facing the same struggles. Today in part two, she goes into how she managed to pivot to sustain […]

advice for studio owners, advice for yoga teachers, collaboration, sara cain-da costa

A sign on a clean white desk reads "GET SHIT DONE."

How to Get More Done… By Doing Less

Today’s post is by YogaVibes teacher and life coach, Carrie Wren. Our favorite class of hers on YogaVibes is a cooling and calming Moon Salutation sequence. It’s perfect to practice in the evening before bed when you need a little extra stress relief. Full of forward folds and yummy stretches, it’s just the thing to […]

mindfulness, morning routine, productivity, raise your vibration, relaxation, stress, stress relief