Why Mental Health Month works with Meditation (Mindfulness) Month

Meditation is not a practice only used by yoga or yoga practitioners. Meditation has been practiced as well as studied by scholars, scientists, civil rights activists, Christians, Buddhists, artists, and even athletes. Historians have even noted that the ancient Egyptians adopted meditation with influence from Far East.

Meditating woman

Several months ago YogaVibes.com began offering more than just Yoga as we understand there are other deep-intentional mindfulness and mediative arts such as Tai chi and Qi gong.

The month of May is identified as Mental Health Awareness (c.1949) month as well as Meditation Month (c.2018).

You cannot practice Meditation without first experiencing Mindfulness. So what is Mindfulness?  How does Mindfulness impact Mental Wellness?

‘Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment and nonjudgmentally.’ — Jon Kabat-Zinn

Mindfulness (as well as meditation) are also mentioned in the Bible, ‘and take every thought captive to obey Christ,’ — 2 Corinthians 10:5

The very opening of the Yoga sutras also mentions the intent of yoga, ‘cessation of the fluctuations of the mind.’

Oftentimes in mental health concerns anxiety and depression are brought to focus because of repetitive, unwanted, intrusive, or unnecessary thoughts and emotions. Over worry or concern about the past, future, or things outside of our immediate control. Which is why being mindful and taking control of thought fluctuations or taking captive the the cessations of the mind; can help.

So being mindful and developing the skill to find the pause – pausing enough to meditate or pray or direct one’s thoughts in a specific way can begin to address some mental health concerns. These practices are easy and safe for most people and can be done alone, in groups, or led by a trusted someone.


  • If you’d like to explore meditation or meditative movement please check out our Livestream schedule.


  • Or find compassion for yourself and others during Mental Health challenges with the RAIN Meditation.


  • as well as many other stress reduction and stillness oriented practices by searching Mental Wellness on YogaVibes.com.


Blog contribution by our COO and instructor - Carolyn Crow who owns and operates a studio in Stuart, Florida with her partner: www.UnityMovementMindfulness.com.


loving-kindness meditation, meditation, Mental Health, mindfulness, stress, yoga

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