Author: Rachel Glibbery

Yoga for Sagittarius Season

The end of 2021 marks the Sagittarius season. Those born under Sagittarius are known for their intelligence, loyalty, and compassion. Sagittarius is a fiery sign, marked by a love of adventure and freedom. This sign, commonly represented as an archer, rules the hips, thighs, and liver.  Harness into the energy of this season with a […]

Cultivating a Gratitude Practice

Thanksgiving is upon us, and the month of November, at least in the United States, has become synonymous with thankfulness and gratitude. With day-to-day life taking its toll, it can be hard to practice gratitude and remember to look for the good, especially when this time of year can be difficult for many people. Gratitude, […]

“Fall Back” into Healthy Habits

Daylight saving time ends this year on November 7. We will set our clocks back an hour this Sunday, so enjoy the extra hour of sleep. But don’t enjoy it too much! Daylight saving time, while not as rough on the body as springing forward, can still cause noticeable changes in your energy levels and […]
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