How to Start a Mindfulness Meditation Practice

As we move into the new year, many of us will be challenging ourselves to turn over a new leaf. We’ll set out on a path toward a healthier, happier, or more balanced life, and come next year, we’ll repeat the cycle again. While eating healthier and exercising more are worthy goals, we think one of the best things we can do for themselves after a stressful year (we’re looking at you, 2020) is to take charge of our mental health. Along with other self-care activities, a mindfulness meditation practice can be a great way to check-in with your mind, soul, and body. Cultivating a regular practice can help reduce anxiety and stress, and can even improve your creativity.

If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to focus on your mental health and wellness, we’ve prepared a beginner mindfulness meditation playlist to get you started. Hand-picked from our hundreds of yoga and meditation videos, this curated playlist will introduce you to the foundations of mindfulness and help you develop your own practice.

woman in a mindfulness meditation practice

YogaVibes Mindfulness Meditation Playlist

Foundations of Yoga: Finding Meditation

Wrap up the Foundations of Yoga series with this short (and sweet!) meditation from Sarah Faircloth. In this meditation you will tune in to each element of the body as you move your awareness from the pelvis up through the crown of your head. If you’re in the “I can’t meditate!” crowd, this guided meditation is a great place to start; it is equally suitable as a meditation to help integrate after an asana (yoga posture) practice.

Guided Meditation for Clearing Energy 

Join Alex Moody for an 8-minute guided meditation to clear your mind and energy. This practice is meant to be taken with you as you move throughout your day. Grab a bolster or pillows for a comfortable seat.

Live in Me: Poetry Guided Meditation

Lay down what is heavy and allow yourselves to rest and receive dear ones. Accompanied by music from Nick Gonnering, Tara Eschenroeder of Great Abiding Yoga will guide you through a meditative, musical experience back home.

Want more mindfulness meditation practice videos? Check out our videos and other playlists here.


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