Yoga for Sagittarius Season

Greetings Yogis and Yoginis,
As we wrap up 2019 (how the heck did that happen?) we enter the Sagittarius season. Sagittarius is social, optimistic and spontaneous — the perfect sign to roll into the holiday season with!  Sagittarius’s love their freedom (and regardless of your sign, you may be feeling those vibes these days too!), luckily with a YogaVibes subscription you can take your practice with you, anytime!  Here’s a few yoga classes that we recommend for you to harness energy of the season:

šŸ”„ Sagittarius is one of the zodiac’s three fire signs, stoke your inner fire with Kate Duyn’s Lighting the Flame

šŸ¹ The symbol of Saggitarius is an archer, practice your Archer Pose in  Tara Eschenroeder’s Earth Element Flow

šŸ˜€ Saggitarius is known for being fun-loving and optimistic. Practice this all day long with Gigi Yogini’s series: Good MorningGood Afternoon & Good Evening

Enjoy the season and enjoy your practice!
