10 Self Love Affirmations to Use When You Need a Pick-Me-Up

This February, we’re tackling the topic of self-love on the YogaVibes blog. We often think of this month as a time when we show love and care to others – our SOs, our family, and friends – but sometimes we have to turn that external love inward. We’re often our own harshest critics. We bully and tear ourselves down without thinking, and over time, that negativity can affect many parts of our life. But when we learn how to let go of those toxic habits, we open ourselves up to a whole new world of self-confidence, awareness, and joy. For some of us, all it takes is reframing the way we speak to ourselves. Through practicing self-love affirmations, we slowly become our own cheerleader – instead of our own worst enemy.

self love

Why self-love affirmations are so powerful

At the end of the day, friends and loved ones may come and go, but we’re always stuck with ourselves. Shouldn’t we strive to make our relationship with ourselves the best it can be, then? This is where self-love affirmations can really come in handy.

It’s true that words hold power, so when we speak kind words to ourselves, we say yes to positivity and no to negativity. Just like any habit, it can take a while for us to make affirmations a natural part of our daily routine. The more we continue to practice though, the better. By embracing self-love, we learn to embrace ourselves fully – imperfections and all.

10 affirmations we love

“I am worthy, and I am enough.”

Sometimes the simplest mantras can have the most profound impact.

“I am both loving and loveable.”

Remember that you are loved!

“I am at peace with all that has happened, is happening, and will happen.”

We can’t always control our situation, but we can control our attitude. Being at peace with what is happening around us is key to balance and contentment.

“If you can’t love yourself how in the hell are you gonna love somebody else?” – Ru Paul

We had to throw in this amazing quote from Ru Paul – it’s so true, and can definitely bring a smile to your face.

“Every part of my body is beautiful. My body vibrates with energy and health.”

It can feel so hard to love our bodies when we’re constantly comparing them to others. But comparison is the thief of joy.

“My destiny is ruled by no one else but me.”

You alone control how you want to live your life. And even if others don’t share in your dream, you are still loved.

“I celebrate my accomplishments and acknowledge my shortcomings without fear or shame.”

Being able to find acceptance and peace in both our wins and fails is difficult, but so rewarding. We have to stop thinking of failure as an inherently bad thing. Failure often leads to growth.

“I embrace my dreams, and manifest them toward my life.”

Hold tight to your dreams, no matter how lofty they may seem.

“Today I choose joy.”

Sometimes, happiness requires a conscious choice.

“I matter and what I have to offer also matters.”

This is one we love to start our days with because it’s so fundamental. When we feel like we matter in the wider world, we radiate that positive energy outward.

Want to explore more daily affirmations? Discover the mantras we use to start each week off right here.