How to Start The Perfect Morning Yoga Routine

Whether you want to start your day calm and grounded, or want to energize your spirit, cultivating an intentional morning yoga routine can be a great way to breathe life and joy into your days. Especially these days, it’s important that we prioritize our mental health and wellness in whatever ways we can. Practicing yoga is a great way to help our mind, body, and spirit feel connected and refreshed. If you’ve never tried a morning yoga routine though, it can be tough knowing where to start. There are thousands of videos and tips out there on how to start, best poses to try, etc. Instead of letting you sift through the internet by yourself, we decided to create a g0-to resource on how to build the best morning yoga routine for you. Let’s dive in!

How to start a great morning yoga routine:

Pick a time

Oftentimes, the hardest part of committing to something new is setting (and sticking with!) a time to do it. Depending on your energy levels in the morning, you might want to start your practice as soon as you wake up, or may find the right time for you is after a small breakfast. Find a time each morning that works with your schedule, and make a point to commit to that time each day.

Set up an intentional space

Part of preparing for your morning yoga routine is scoping out the right place to do your practice. Find a quiet, open space that can fit your yoga mat and any props you might have. If it’s nice outside, consider setting up a small space outdoors! Just make sure to bring your sunscreen and water.

Think about your physical and mental needs

This is an important one. There are a variety of different yoga types, practices, and levels for different physical and emotional needs. For example, Hatha yoga is focused on slow movements and meditation, while vinyasa is meant to help strengthen and build lean muscle. Consider your unique goals and what you want to achieve through your practice. This will help you choose the right classes to take!

Queue up your favorite classes (or try a new one!)

Once you’ve decided which type(s) of yoga are best suited to your goals, it’s time to find some great classes. We’ve got an incredible, curated library filled with yoga, pilates, meditation, and barre classes that are both live and on-demand. Each class is categorized, so it’s easy to find exactly what you’re looking for.

Don’t forget to try new classes once you’ve gotten into a routine! Switching things up every once in a while is a great way to ensure your mind and muscles stay sharp.

Find ways to complement your practice

Along with a great practice, there are several things you can do to provide yourself with extra support. For example, drinking lemon water or tea each morning before or after your practice is an excellent way to stimulate the body and provide mental clarity. If you have problems getting up, setting out your yoga clothes the night before can help save much-needed time in the mornings as well.

Want to learn more about what a great yoga practice can do for your body and brain? Check out this resource we created outlining the real benefits of yoga.