Yoga and Meditation for Aries Season

Can you feel it? The beginning of spring and Aries season crept in while we’ve been adjusting to our new normal at home.  Aries is a positive and passionate fire sign. Aries’ are known for their independence, creativity and adventurous spirit.  They have a clear sense of self  and integrity, which makes sense as they rule the first house (the house of self ) in the zodiac. 

Aries is associated with the 3rd chakra, which is houses with our personal power, ability to set and acheive goals, and self discipline. Coincidence that most of the globe is at home during this energetic shift? We think not! Tap into the power of the 3rd chakra and your Aries energy to see what you can create during this time. 

Here’s a few classes that will help you connect to this energy:

Third Chakra: Building Your Inner Fire with Jeanne Heileman 

Third Chakra Flow with Kat Schamens

Chakra Journey with Shala Worsley

aries, astrology